
Byproduct of Novel Waste Treatment System Promotes Plant Growth

by Ryan Busby and Dick Gebhart from Public Works Digest • July/August 2004 “These evaluations indicate that the material is well suited for returning organic matter to soils on degraded training lands, which is a necessary step in reestablishing productivity. It was also found that large amounts of this material can safely be land applied, …

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WastAway® Article in Nursery Management & Production (NMPro) Magazine

Garbage Growth  By Kelli Rodda from Nursery Management & Production (NMPro) magazine. WastAway® Services in McMinnville, Tenn., has found a way to transform household garbage into a media component for plants. The patented and proprietary process shreds garbage, turning it into “Fluff®” a material that resembles a cross between dryer lint and wood pulp. The …

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WastAway® Helps county Obtain Grant Money

By CHARLES W. JOHNSON Southern Standard, February 20, 2004 Warren County’s recycling figure of 95 percent, provided thanks to its use of WastAway®, has been instrumental in obtaining two matching fund grants in which the state will provide a total of $221,700 and the county will provide matching funds of $95,820. READ FULL STORY (PDF)

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